Work in Progress


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Work in Progress

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In process of working on the "Whatever Happened to kj52?" EP I ended up over-cutting songs that didn't make the project (they were just too sonically different then the EP marty did). So rather than not releasing them I made a separate EP called "Work in Progress".

There's 5 unreleased tracks + 1 bonus song

-Days I prayed for ft. Biancallove

In process of working on the "Whatever Happened to kj52?" EP I ended up over-cutting songs that didn't make the project (they were just too sonically different then the EP marty did). So rather than not releasing them I made a separate EP called "Work in Progress".

There's 5 unreleased tracks + 1 bonus song

-Days I prayed for ft. Biancallove (produced by AJ Jenkins) -God met me in the woods ft. Whosoever South (produced by Poetics) -Mom song (produced by Poetics) -Victory ft. Datin & Monster Tarver (produced by Poetics) -God made me like that (produced by AJ Jenkins)

Bonus: -Down in the river ft. Presence Music (produced by Alan Locks)

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